Bauer Profiltechnik GmbH,
Neckarwestheim, Germany
Promotional dummy
Profile-frame polygon for trial assemblies – a second ASDEX Upgrade
Bauer Profiltechnik, a specialist in tailor-made work
stations, has developed an innovative, 3.5-meter-high
and 4.5-meter-wide frame that accommodates the fastening
points – and on this, the two-ton components.
The support system is a 16-cornered polygon. From
90 x 90 millimeter thick profile struts, the designers
assembled 8 x 32 connections at an exact angle
of 11.25 degrees each. Thereby, IPP required
a deviation tolerance of less than one millimeter.
“The result is a small masterpiece
even for us,” Uwe Wehle, Managing Director
of Bauer Profiltechnik, sums up the
high-publicity showcase project. “Thanks
to the modular and strut-like construction
method in which we designed and manufactured
the frame, the mock-up is also
designed to be highly flexible in terms of
adaptation, adjustment or extension without
the need for special tools and combined
with enormous time savings.”
During the entire process, the material was machined
at a temperature of 20 degrees Centigrade
from the first to the last work step. “In this way, we
were able to achieve a tolerance accuracy of 0.5 millimeters
and to align the frame in Garching with an accuracy
of up to two millimeters,” the company says on its
website. “With the polygon we realized for IPP, we have
created a project that illustrates the wide-ranging design
options and possible applications of profile frame
solutions. Such tailor-made solutions can be applied to
almost any work and activity field in any industry and
optimize the processes there.”
The assembly test stand
Photo: IPP, Helmut Faugel